Kategori: Mouse | Dilihat: 218 Kali
Harga: Rp 2.300.000 Rp 2.500.000
Kode Produk: RAT08

Stok: 38

Berat: 1 Kg

Sejak: 09-03-2024

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Dynamic Ergonomics

Customize your RAT to enhance your playing style.

All gamers are different. The RATs are precision engineered, making key parts of the product adjustable, to enhance and improve your playing style. The RAT 8 has an adjustable palm rest, pinkie rest, thumb rest and weight system.

  • Palm Rest: Whether your grip is palm, claw or finger-tip, the RAT 8 can quickly adapt by adjusting in length to suit you.
  • Thumb Rest:Moves along two axes, improving comfort and macro button actuation.
  • Extra Parts: Swappable palm rests and pinkie rests further enhance your grip.
  • Weight:Improve your reaction speeds with the adjustable weight system.

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